Dragonica Online: Closed Beta closes, Open Beta opens soon
When you kill a wolf in, say, Lord of the Rings Online, it just kind of fades away. When you kill a wolf in Dragonica Online, THAT happens. That wolf isn’t going to be just fading away. They’ll be...
View ArticleA first look at Dragonica Online
There’s plenty of MMOs that promise to get you right in the action, but few of them really deliver. You have to zone out of the city, have to go hunting, have to buy provisions, have to find your...
View ArticleDaily Blogroll 9/17 – Kanye edition
Guy just keeps popping up everywhere, don’t he? I am playing Runes of Magic now because, hey, WoW is coming out with a new expansion that I probably won’t play, so why not reminisce about good times...
View ArticleWeekend Gaming: EVE, EQ2, STO, DDO, Dragonica Online
I’ve come to realize, over the years, that I really suck at MMOs. Easily distracted and easily bored, the sort of long-term, intense concentration that is the mark of the truly successful grinder is...
View ArticleDaily Blogroll 1/27 — Inevitable Backlash edition
Yeah, I’ve been MIA for a couple weeks now. Work time is creeping into home time. It’s so cold when I get home that I find myself cuddling up with blankets and a cat on the couch, watching Netflix...
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